Over 25 years of experience supporting adults with ADHD

Dr. Evelyn Miccio Discusses Adult ADHD Insights in Exclusive Interview with Kaiser Permanente's Look Inside

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. I understand the significant impact ADHD can have on an individual's ability to function effectively in various areas of life, including school, work, and relationships. While psychiatric care is the most common treatment for ADHD, cognitive coaching is an incredibly effective way to help individuals with ADHD manage their symptoms and improve their performance in various areas of life.*

Symptoms of ADHD may include:

  • Inattention: difficulty paying attention to details, difficulty following instructions, difficulty organizing tasks, and difficulty completing tasks

  • Impulsivity: difficulty waiting one's turn, difficulty controlling one's emotions and behaviors, and making hasty decisions

  • Hyperactivity: excessive talking, difficulty remaining seated, and difficulty engaging in quiet activities

Cognitive coaching helps individuals with ADHD develop strategies to better manage their attention and focus, such as breaking tasks into smaller steps, using visual aids, and setting goals. I also teach individuals with ADHD how to better regulate their emotions, improve their communication skills, and increase their self-awareness.

In addition to these specific strategies, I work to provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment in which individuals with ADHD can learn and practice new skills. By working with me, individuals with ADHD can learn to identify their strengths and challenges, set goals for themselves, and develop a plan for achieving those goals. This in turn can help individuals with ADHD gain confidence and independence, and improve their overall well-being.


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